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[Maya] Maya 2016 Extension 2: Pose Editor 姿势编辑器

  • TA的每日心情

    2021-11-23 22:39
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    发表于 2016-6-13 08:22:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Sometimes no matter how much time you spend tediously painting weights you still end up with bad skinning.
    Seriously though skinning problems can be frustrating. In many cases however, they can be fixed with a simple secondary corrective BlendShape. Setting this up in Maya used to be really difficult and typically required some sort of custom tool. A few years ago, some of us got together and tried to create a nifty little BonusTool for this called the “Pose Blend Shape Editor.” It was kinda cool at the time, but it was a mess under the hood and wasn’t the most elegant solution.
    Now in Maya 2016 Extension 2, setting up corrective BlendShapes is a piece of cake. This workflow is typically called PSD or Pose Space Deformation. BTW – I often hear people call it “Pose Based Deformation” because they do sound so similar. But it’s technically “Space” not “Based”. But who cares really… semantics, schemantics!

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