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[新闻] Next Limit 宣布推出 RealFlow | Cinema 4D

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    发表于 2016-5-9 10:21:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    RealFlow | Cinema 4D gives you the best in fluid simulation, directly inside Cinema 4D. Now you can achieve high-end simulations with an even easier workflow.


    Next Limit has announced RealFlow | Cinema 4D: a new fully integrated version of the popular fluid simulation software into Maxon’s 3D modelling and animation package.
    The software is due for release in June, but is already available on pre-order.
    GPU-accelerated fluid simulation integrated directly into RealFlowWith the obvious potential for fluid effects in motion graphics, one of its core market sectors, a native fluid simulation toolset has long been high on the wish lists of many Cinema 4D users.
    While there are a number of third-party solutions – including Navié’s Effex, Insydium’s X-Particles, and RealFlow’s own connectivity plugin – there is a gap in the market for a native fluid solver.
    The new RealFlow | Cinema 4D promises plugin-free “fully integrated” fluid simulation within Cinema 4D, based on the new Dyverso solvers introduced in RealFlow 2015.
    The toolset is GPU-accelarated via both CUDA and OpenCL, and should work with any suitably specced modern GPU.
    Interacts with MoGraph, PyroCluster and native Cinema 4D hairAccording to Next Limit, RealFlow | Cinema 4D will support “native Cinema 4D modifiers and tools” – including key motion graphics and effects toolsets like MoGraph, PyroCluster and hair.
    So far, most of the feature demos on the new product website are listed as ‘Video coming soon’, but you can see a brief demo of a RealFlow simulation interacting with a simple Cinema 4D container object


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